Buy testosterone enanthate injection
Testosterone enanthate, also known as testosterone heptanoate, belongs to a group of drugs – androgenic and anabolic steroid (AAS). It is a synthetic form of the naturally occurring male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone is normally produced by the testes in males, and it is also produced in a limited amount by the ovaries and adrenal system in females.
Testosterone is responsible for many physiological functions in males, such as growth and development of the genitals, bones and muscles. Furthermore, it causes the development of the normal male secondary sexual characteristics in boys during puberty.
Testosterone enanthate is primarily used in males (men and boys) to treat various conditions which occur due to lack of production of natural testosterone, such as, impotence, delayed puberty, and other hormonal imbalances. This drug is available as an injectible form in a vial, which contains testosterone enanthate 250mg/ml in a vial.
It is available only on the doctor’s prescription under various brand names, such as, Depandro, Androfil, Testro, and Testrin. Testosterone has also been used in adolescent boys with delayed puberty, and in certain types of breast cancer in women.
However, testosterone is not advised in ‘age-related hypogonadism’, i.e. low testosterone levels due to ageing. Many anabolic androgenic steroids contain testosterone cypionate & testosterone propionate. Testosterone Injection are used to treat low testosterone condition. But you need to follow testosterone enanthate cycle.
What is Testosterone enanthate injection?
Testosterone enanthate is a manufactured (or synthetic) version of the naturally occurring male sex hormone – testosterone. It is primarily used in adult males to treat various medical conditions resulting due to a lack of testosterone levels (i.e. hypogonadism).
Testosterone enanthate 250mg/ml is available as vials for parenteral administration. Chemically, it is also known as testosterone heptanoate. It belongs to the class of drugs ‘anabolic steroids and androgenic steroids’.
How it works?
Testosterone enanthate is given intramuscularly as a parenteral administration. It substitutes the physiological functions of natural testosterone, such as, development of male reproductive organs (prostate and testes), in addition to the development of male secondary sexual characteristics (increased bone and muscle mass and growth of facial hair).
Uses of Testosterone enanthate injections
It is used in medical conditions associated with lack of testosterone level in men and boys, in the form of testosterone replacement therapy. This condition with a lack of testosterone is termed as “male hypogonadism”; the male gonads (testes) fail to produce adequate levels of testosterone within the body. This diagnosis must be confirmed by two separate measurements of blood testosterone levels in the setting of the following clinical features:
- Infertility
- Impotence
- Tiredness/lethargy
- Low sexual activity (reduced libido)
- Depressive (low) moods
- Bone loss
Male hypogonadism can occur due to various etiologies like infection, injury, or cancer of testes, diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, disorders like Klinefelter’s syndrome, as well as radiation and chemotherapy. In transgender masculine people, this drug can be used for hormonal therapy.
In case of delayed puberty in boys, this drug can be given as the treatment to stimulate the puberty. In case of females, it has been used for the treatment of metastatic (advanced) breast cancer, especially in postmenopausal women; the mechanism of action for this purpose is by stopping the estrogen release. The use of this drug in the form of anti-ageing therapy is controversial.
How to Inject Testosterone Enanthate?
The drug from the vial is loaded into a syringe and given intramuscularly to the patient (parenteral route). It is preferably given into the buttocks by the doctor at an interval of 1-4 weeks.
It can also be given over the abdomen sparing the area of umbilicus and surrounding region. One must be cautious not to inject it into a vein. Before administration one must check for any discoloration of the liquid in the vial. It must be administered under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional (doctor or nurse).
Testosterone injection may control the symptoms, but not cure the underlying condition. Hence doctor’s consultation is important for appropriate indication and dosages. A baseline blood testosterone measurement is required, which can be further monitored based on response.
The testosterone enanthate injection is a clear or yellowish liquid without any particles. If it is visibly cloudy or discolored, it has likely expired and the injection must be deferred. One must avoid injecting the drug over the skin areas having bruise, tenderness, redness, hardness, or those areas with stretch marks, scars, or tattoo marks.
Manufacturer’s instruction is often provided with the drug for further descriptions. The patient may consult their doctor/physician for further information. There are no specific dietary instructions related to its usage.
Side effects of testosterone enanthate injection
Allergic reaction to this injection may develop as a side-effect in sensitive individuals, which may be associated with features like swallowing/breathing problems, urticaria, rashes, itching, swelling of face/lips/tongue, weakness, and nausea. Possible side effects are mentioned as follows:
- Increase in RBC count (polycythemia), hemoglobin, and hematocrit (these are monitored by regular blood tests)
- Weight gain
- Blood circulation problems
- High blood calcium levels
- Liver dysfunction with abnormal LFT, jaundice, or enlarged liver.
- Acne
- Hair loss, and male pattern baldness
- Injection site reactions, such as, itching, pain, hardening, swelling, and inflammation.
- Increased prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
- Increased/decreased sexual interest and libido
- Abnormal breast development in males
- Early onset of puberty
- Prostate problems
- Fluid retention and edema
- Decreased sperm count in males
- Frequent/persistent penile erections (must be consulted to doctor immediately to avoid penile injury)
- Difficulty in urination (weak urine flow, frequent urination)
- Weakness, headache
- Anxiety or depression (mood changes)
- Increased or premature stopping of bone growth
- Nausea or vomiting
- Abdominal pain/discomfort
- Voice changes (hoarseness or deepening)
- Bodyache and sleep problems
- Changes in menstruation (in females)
When Not to use it?
There are certain conditions where this injection is contraindicated, or should not be used under any circumstances. These contraindications include untreated prostate or breast cancer, and pregnancy. This drug is also avoided in case of known history of allergy to testosterone, or any components of the drug (like sesame oil).
The FDA strongly advises to avoid use of testosterone in untreated prostate cancer because there have been reports of cancer spread by certain studies. In case of untreated breast cancer also, the FDA is against usage of testosterone injection because it may worsen the condition by the aromatization (conversion) of testosterone into estradiol.
Furthermore, the studies have shown that testosterone replacement therapy for over 10 years period can potentially cause 11% increase in the risk for male breast cancer. Testosterone injection is contraindicated during pregnancy because of the risk of virilization of the female fetus (i.e. development of male characteristics in a female child).
Important considerations for taking testosterone injection
Ivermectin has shown to reduce the blood testosterone level in male rats, according to the animal studies. Since it may disrupt the desired action of testosterone injection in males, one can avoid taking ivermectin concurrently with testosterone.
General warnings
Testosterone enanthate may cause serious allergic reactions immediately after administration; hence one must at once inform any allergic symptoms following injection, such as, difficulty in breathing, swallowing difficulty, tightening of throat, cough, dizziness, chest pain, fainting, dizziness, rashes, sweating, hives and itching.
Such serious allergic reactions must be promptly attended and treated under doctor’s consultation. This injection is preferably given by a qualified healthcare professional (nurse/doctor) under a clinic or hospital setting. This injection may cause an increase in blood pressure, and thereby increases the risk for life-threatening heart attack or stroke.
Warnings for special populations (pregnancy, breastfeeding, children, elderly)
Although testosterone injection is not commonly used in females, it must be avoided in pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, because of the risk of virilization of the female fetus. In such cases, the female child may show the features like: enlarged clitoris/external genitals, excessive body/facial hair, hair thinning (male pattern baldness), deeper voice, etc.
Testosterone enanthate does not apparently cause any harmful effects to the breastfeeding baby. However, high testosterone level may affect the breast milk production. It is better avoided in breastfeeding women.
Testosterone injection is not used in children due to the earlier development of male secondary sexual characteristics (i.e. musculinization). It can affect the bone growth and cause reduction in final height. Moreover, the safety and efficacy profile has not been adequately established in children.
Testosterone enanthate comes in a clear yellowish fluid in a 5ml glass vial. It is injected intramuscularly into the buttock muscles every 2 to 4 weeks. The duration and dosage of therapy is decided by the doctor based on the underlying condition.
- In male hypogonadism, 50 to 400 mg, every 2 to 4 weeks
- In delayed male puberty, 5 to 200 mg, every 2 to 4 weeks, for 4-6 months
- In metastatic breast cancer, 200-400 mg, every 2-4 weeks
- In transgender hormone therapy, 50-200 mg per week, or 100-200 mg every 2 weeks.
In case of a missed dose or overdose, emergency consultation of a doctor must be sought. However, the chances for overdose are unlikely because it is given under the supervision of qualified healthcare professional.
Misuse of testosterone injection can cause irreversible and dangerous effects, including: high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, liver disease, addiction, bone problems, infertility, breast enlargement, small testes, and mental effects (violence & aggression).
Immediate cessation of this drug after prolonged usage may cause withdrawal symptoms like, tiredness, irritability, depression, loss of appetite, decreased libido and insomnia.
To prevent drug interactions, the patient should provide all the details of any health condition or treatment before undertaking testosterone therapy. Certain conditions as mentioned below may necessitate a dose-adjustment or a suitable alternative treatment.
Interactions with medicines
Insulin or oral antidiabetic medications; anticoagulant or blood thinners like warfarin & coumadin; corticosteroids like prednisone, methylprednisolone, and dexamethasone.
Interactions with food and alcohol
There are no known interactions with food and alcohol. The patients must follow their doctor’s instructions without any restrictions on beverages, food, and activity.
Interactions with health conditions
Patients with impaired renal or liver functions may be given testosterone enanthate injection under caution, as dose adjustments or treatment substitution may be required.
Patients with bleeding disorders must be given testosterone enanthate injections cautiously, under monitoring of prothrombin time and INR.
In diabetic patients, testosterone may cause sudden decrease in blood glucose levels when used concurrently with antidiabetic medications, hence close monitoring of blood glucose levels are required. In some patients, the testosterone injections can increase the risk for heart attack and strokes.
Patients with breast or prostate cancer may get their condition worsened on the testosterone use.
How to store Testosterone enanthate injection?
Testosterone enanthate injection vials must be stored at the room temperature away from moisture and light. It is not to be refrigerated or freezed. It should be kept away from reach of children/pets. Avoid keeping in bathroom. The drug should not be flushed in toilet. Unneeded medication should be properly disposed as per doctor’s consultations.
Where to Buy Testosterone enanthate injection online?
Buy Testosterone enanthate injection is available in depot preparation of 250mg/ml vial. One may purchase it online at the websites such as Fatboyfitman.
Why buy from us?
The online pharmacy websites such as Fatboyfitman provide attractive discount rates over the existing MRP of the drug, thus dispensing them at reasonable prices. The necessary drug information is readily available in these websites for the patient’s reference and information. However, this drug is to be strictly dispensed under doctor’s prescription to avoid self-medication. Here you can buy injectable Testosterone Enanthate.